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Beyond Lawn Turf Replacement Demo Garden

Affiliated Organization: Eagle County Conservation District, Eagle River Watershed Council, Colorado State University Master Gardeners, Riverwalk at Edwards, Edwards Metro District

Launched in 2022, the Beyond Lawn program is a collaborative effort with Eagle County Conservation District, Eagle River Watershed Council and Colorado State University Extension, and its goal is to promote water efficiency through lawn conversion workshops and rebates, water barrel education, and demonstration gardens.

With funding support from the Colorado River District’s Community Funding Partnership Program, the Beyond Lawn cohort is collaborating with the Riverwalk at Edwards to replace a section of turf in a high-visibility area. The turf will be replaced with a beautiful landscape that promotes native plants, is pollinator-friendly, and allows for opportunities for interaction with the community (such as seating, signage, etc.).

This effort is intended to bring together a range of local interest groups and be an asset to the larger community, inspiring action for private homeowners and HOA's alike to move toward more water-efficient landscaping and irrigation that are more resilient to drought.

With funding from the Colorado River District’s Community Funding Partnership Program, and in-kind support from Eagle County Conservation District, Eagle River Watershed Council and Colorado State University Extension, the project is facing a funding gap for planning and implementation.

The Eagle River Fund will provide resources to fill the funding gap and ensure that its important role of safeguarding local water quality is advanced.

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